About Us

E Shiksha Samiti: Illuminating Minds, Empowering Futures with Ancient Wisdom


In the vast expanse of human history, education has always stood as a beacon of progress, enlightenment, and societal transformation. Rooted in the profound teachings of ancient scriptures, E Shiksha Samiti emerges as a testament to the enduring power of knowledge. Committed to democratizing education, our organization draws inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and various Puranas, seeking to illuminate minds and empower futures through the transformative force of learning.

Foundation and Ethos

E Shiksha Samiti finds its genesis in a deep-seated commitment to social justice and human welfare. Founded on the principles of compassion, equity, and inclusivity, our mission is to ensure that every child has access to quality education, regardless of their socio-economic background. Guided by the ancient wisdom enshrined in sacred texts, we strive to create a world where education is not merely a privilege but a fundamental human right, accessible to all.

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Education

Embedded within the fabric of our organization lies a rich tapestry of ancient wisdom, offering profound insights into the nature of knowledge and learning. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna extols the virtues of wisdom, emphasizing its transformative power in liberating the human spirit from the bondage of ignorance. As echoed in Chapter 4, Verse 38:

न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते |

तत्सस्वयं योगसंसिद्ध: कालेनात्मनि विन्दति | Translation: "There is nothing as purifying as knowledge in this world. He who attains purity of heart through a prolonged practice of Yoga, perceives his own self through divine knowledge and attains supreme bliss eventually."

These timeless teachings serve as guiding beacons, inspiring us to harness the power of education as a force for positive change in the world.

Initiatives and Programs

E Shiksha Samiti adopts a multifaceted approach to education, encompassing a wide array of initiatives aimed at nurturing holistic development and empowering communities. Some of our key programs include:

Free and Quality Learning Materials

We provide free, high-quality educational materials, including textbooks, workbooks, and digital resources, designed to cater to the diverse learning needs of children across different age groups and academic levels.

Digital Learning Platforms

Leveraging the power of technology, we offer user-friendly digital learning platforms that provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and educational games, making learning both engaging and accessible to children from all backgrounds

Community Outreach and Engagement

We actively collaborate with schools, NGOs, and Coaching Institutions to extend the reach of our educational initiatives. Through workshops, seminars, and outreach programs, we empower parents and educators with the tools and resources they need to support children's learning journey effectively.


Since its inception, E Shiksha Samiti has made significant strides in advancing its mission of democratizing education and empowering underserved communities. Through our concerted efforts, we have touched the lives of thousands of children, igniting a passion for learning and opening doors of opportunity previously thought unreachable.

 Future Directions

Looking ahead, we remain committed to expanding our reach and deepening our impact through strategic partnerships, innovative solutions, and grassroots advocacy. By leveraging technology, mobilizing resources, and fostering community collaboration, we aspire to create a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, irrespective of their circumstances.


In the timeless quest for knowledge and enlightenment, E Shiksha Samiti stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guided by the wisdom of the ages. Through our unwavering commitment to education and service, we endeavor to nurture minds and transform lives, enriching the fabric of society one child at a time. As we embark on this noble journey of empowerment and enlightenment, let us draw strength from the timeless teachings of the ancients, and together, let us illuminate the path towards a future where education knows no bounds.



Prem Neeta

vice chairman

Manish Agarwal


Avnesh Kumar Upadhyay

Deputy Secretary

Madhu Gupta


Shashank Upadhyay


Ram nath Gupta


Akash Upadhyay